Leaving Wordpress Core Files untouched shared between multiple blog installation Leaving Wordpress Core Files untouched shared between multiple blog installation wordpress wordpress

Leaving Wordpress Core Files untouched shared between multiple blog installation

Try this inside-out approach. It is untested, but I think you could possibly get away with this strategy:

  1. Create a wp-content-<hostname> folder for each host. You are going to use it in a minute.
  2. Create a wp-config-<hostname>.php for each site (I am assuming separate host names). It should contain the database connection information as well as custom defines shown next.
  3. A quick look through the core code verifies the use of constants like WP_CONTENT_DIR. If you can successfully define that in your wp-config-<hostname>.php file, then you are likely golden....except for plugins which assume that the content directory is always named wp-content.
  4. Modify the original wp-config.php to require() the correct wp-config-<hostname>.php by examining $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].

With some luck, you will have multiple sites and databases running off the same WP core, but not in multisite mode.