Loading Google Maps API with wp_enqueue_script Loading Google Maps API with wp_enqueue_script wordpress wordpress

Loading Google Maps API with wp_enqueue_script

I've got something similar in our code, and it's working fine (even encoded as &#038). I suspect your problem is that it's being double-encoded, as you already have &. Trying changing it to:

$gmaps_url = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=' . $key . '&sensor=false';

For what it's worth, our (working) code is:

wp_register_script('googlemaps', 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?' . $locale . '&key=' . GOOGLE_MAPS_V3_API_KEY . '&sensor=false', false, '3');wp_enqueue_script('googlemaps');

($locale in this case is set to hl=en)


Looks like the behaviour's changed in the latest version of WordPress - the above doesn't work (but I'll leave it for people on legacy versions). The only alternative I can see to echoing the script is to add a clean_url filter, something like this:

add_filter('clean_url', 'so_handle_038', 99, 3);function so_handle_038($url, $original_url, $_context) {    if (strstr($url, "googleapis.com") !== false) {        $url = str_replace("&", "&", $url); // or $url = $original_url    }    return $url;}

Pretty ugly, but perhaps marginally better than echoing the script, as it'll still use the WordPress dependency management.