Optimize Wordpress image upload, slow and only 1 at a time on Dedicated Optimize Wordpress image upload, slow and only 1 at a time on Dedicated wordpress wordpress

Optimize Wordpress image upload, slow and only 1 at a time on Dedicated

Near the end of its image upload operation, WordPress attempts to resize the incoming images to create thumbnails and medium-sized images. To do this it has to load the images, decompressed, into memory.

That can take a lot of RAM. Try increasing the RAM available to your php instance. Look, in php.ini for a stanza like this

; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume; http://php.net/memory-limitmemory_limit = 32M

and increase it.

You may also have issues with these settings.

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.; http://php.net/upload-max-filesizeupload_max_filesize = 8M; Maximum number of files that can be uploaded via a single requestmax_file_uploads = 20

Also, take a look in your php_error.log and apache_error.log files and see if you can see any problems. Also, if you're using Google Chrome, open the Javascript console and see if there are any errors showing up.