Parsing XML with XSLT in Wordpress Parsing XML with XSLT in Wordpress wordpress wordpress

Parsing XML with XSLT in Wordpress

Wordpress has a built-in XML processor that may be simpler to use if you're end-goal is to display the content.

If it's easier to include a PHP script that you wrote to convert the feeds or import a library, you can put the script in the theme's folder (i.e. /wp-content/themes/pagelines/) and call it with include_once:


For using a parameter(get) in a php script use this:

$xmlFile = $_GET['xml-file'];

And then just change your code to something like this:

<?php$xmlFile = $_GET['xml-file'];$xmlDir  ='dirWithXmlFiles/';$xmlUri  = $xmlDir . $xmlFile;if(! file_exists($xmlUri)){   echo 'some error';   return;}// Load the XML source$xml = new DOMDocument;$xml->load($xmlUri);$xsl = new DOMDocument;$xsl->load('stylesheet.xsl');// Configure the transformer$proc = new XSLTProcessor;$proc->importStyleSheet($xsl); // attach the xsl rulesecho $proc->transformToXML($xml);

And if you need to add some dynamic content, you can do that by either passing parameters like this:

$proc->setParam('someNameOfParameter', $someValueOfParameter); 

and use that in the xslt, or build a xml file with content of $xmlUri and the dynamic content as xml.