php Warning: strtotime() Error php Warning: strtotime() Error wordpress wordpress

php Warning: strtotime() Error

Do you really just want to hide the error message or do you want to solve the problem, they're indicating?

On your new server, you should find a setting date.timezone in your php.ini file commented out. Here, you have to specify the timezone your server is located in. For instance, my server is located in Germany, so I use Europe/Berlin here:

date.timezone = Europe/Berlin

You find a complete list of supported timezones here:

After changing this setting, restart your web server and the warnings should be gone.

The best way is setting a default Time Zone.In file, insert one line with:


In my case I use "America/Sao_Paulo" in your case I think is "Asia/Calcutta"

For more details about Time Zones, visit