Pretty Permalink Structure of wordpress not working on Godaddy host With windows hosting and IIS Server Pretty Permalink Structure of wordpress not working on Godaddy host With windows hosting and IIS Server wordpress wordpress

Pretty Permalink Structure of wordpress not working on Godaddy host With windows hosting and IIS Server

You need to create a web.config file in the root directory of your WordPress installation (the same directory as the .htaccess file), and add the following code in web.config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><configuration>  <system.webServer>    <rewrite>      <rules>            <rule name="wordpress" patternSyntax="Wildcard">                <match url="*"/>                    <conditions>                        <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsFile" negate="true"/>                        <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsDirectory" negate="true"/>                    </conditions>                <action type="Rewrite" url="index.php"/>            </rule></rules>    </rewrite>  </system.webServer></configuration>

This should enable pretty permalinks in WordPress with URL Rewrite running on IIS.