Prevent WordPress home page redirect after WP 4.4.1 Prevent WordPress home page redirect after WP 4.4.1 wordpress wordpress

Prevent WordPress home page redirect after WP 4.4.1

It looks like the new version of the WP enforced the redirect on homepage. My issue was resolved with the remove_filter('template_redirect','redirect_canonical');. I wasn't able to see the change in effect after I applied that fix because the browser cached it somehow. I tested it on the Private mode, and it worked. I had to clear the cache to see it working.

I ran into the same issue and got i fixed, thanks to your answer. However, what are the implications of removing that filter? It sound important by name, so did you experience some new issues so far?

PS: i would have posted a comment to the previous answer, but my stackoverflow points are below 50...

LTDInvestments is actually correct. In your wp-config.php, ensure that 'WP_HOME' and 'WP_SITEURL' have values which are lowercased.

This fixed it for me; I guess case-sensitivity is something you should mind throughout your wp-config.php and wp-admin settings.