Problem: How to display a Wordpress RSS feed in a browser that doesn't have a built in RSS reader? Problem: How to display a Wordpress RSS feed in a browser that doesn't have a built in RSS reader? wordpress wordpress

Problem: How to display a Wordpress RSS feed in a browser that doesn't have a built in RSS reader?

Just look at the source code of the BBC's feed. It's all the same stuff - they just have an XSL stylesheet (which Safari ignores).

That stylesheet contains instructions on generating the friendly display you see in Chrome.

(this is, incidentally, how Feedburner does it, too)

I think you could use jQuery to check browser's version, and then redirect to the normal RSS feed, OR redirect to a page using a feed reader plugin, like zrssfeed ( ).

But, you will have to do a little reasearch about waht browsers supports RSS to do the redirect! :)

I would route your feed through Feedburner. As well as giving you handy subscriber stats, you can also turn on their "BrowserFriendly" setting -- this should give your readers a pleasant experience in both Chrome and other browsers.

I didn't actually mean for that to sound like a soap powder ad, and I have no marketing affiliation to Google or Feedburner, by the way :)