Separating urls from a string? Separating urls from a string? wordpress wordpress

Separating urls from a string?

After using the explode function you'll want to do a foreach to do the validation you're looking for

$urlArray = explode("\r", $_POST["textBox"])if(!empty($urlArray)){    foreach($urlArray as $url)    {         //Do your regex checking here    }}

Depending on your skill level if RegEx is too complicated (though I'd really recommend learning it) you could look at using substr to evaluate each of the html lines as well, though this is a much less powerful version. An example would be:

$htmlString = substr($url, 0, 7);if($htmlString != "http://"){  $url = "http://" . $url;}

use PHP's explode function:

$urlArray = explode("\r", $POST["URlsInputName"])

This will return an array of the URL's assuming $POST["URlsInputName"] contains your input box's value that contains the URLs separated by a carriage return.

A basic block follows:

$text_box_text = <<<TEXT_BOX        hello.example        ftp://ftp.invalid        HTTP:/fixslash.invalidTEXT_BOX;function url_map ( $likely ){    $likely = preg_replace( '/^\s+/', '', $likely );   #clean up white spaces    $likely = preg_replace( '/\s+$/', '', $likely );   #    $likely = preg_match( '/^\w+:/', $likely ) ? $likely : "http://$likely";  #prepend    $likely = preg_replace( '|^http:/*|i', 'http://', $likely );   #fix /s and case    return $likely;}$likely_urls = preg_split( '/[\r\n]+/', $text_box_text );$good_urls = preg_grep( '/^http:/', array_map( "url_map",  $likely_urls ) );

As this is user input you need to be a bit more paranoid. More error checks are always in order:

preg_grep( '|^http://[-\w][-.\w]+/|', ... )   #assure valid host name

and more.