Share wordpress site between two different user tables Share wordpress site between two different user tables wordpress wordpress

Share wordpress site between two different user tables

The required functionality looks a bit tricky, there might be more methods possible but the one I will recommend is:

  • Create a custom login form in wordpress site

  • Retrieve the username and password and first check if they exists on your site or not. If they do exist then simply login (these are site users) wp_signon method can be used here.

  • If they are not wordpress users then check if they are mobile app user by using MySQL and looking into the mobile app table, if they do exists then retrieve their information and register them into WordPress site wp_create_user can be used for it, you can add custom meta data so that you know these are app users. After registering, create login session using wp_signon.

I will recommend you to build a plugin for this task in wordpress.

Happy coding !

You could use extend the WordPress XML-RPC API to authenticate your iphone user to wordpress. Detailed explanation and basic working code can be found at Extending the WordPress XML-RPC API (

I would recommend a custom login plugin to accomplish this.

You can use wp-rename login plugin as a start up point for this.

In this plugin the WP credentials validation part is handled In the file rwl-login.php at line 449.

Similarly you have to add code to validate the mobile credentials as well in this switch case.If you have built your code adhering to WP mobile app standards you can just include login validation file as it is done for WP regular validation in line 450

if not do your own validation and redirect properly in that case You may also have your native app register the handler of that custom url so that it can catch and handle the redirect appropriately