Shortcode attributes in Wordpress plugin with React Shortcode attributes in Wordpress plugin with React wordpress wordpress

Shortcode attributes in Wordpress plugin with React

Wordpress way to load custom data for script is using wp_localize_script function.

You could rewrite your shortcode function by the way

add_shortcode( 'my_app', 'my_app' );/** * Registers a shortcode that simply displays a placeholder for our React App. */function my_app( $atts = array(), $content = null , $tag = 'my_app' ){    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function() use ($atts) {        wp_enqueue_script( 'my-app', plugins_url( 'build/index.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'wp-element' ), time(), true );        wp_localize_script(            'my-app',            'myAppWpData',            $atts         );    });    return '<div id="app">Loading...</div>';}

Then you could use shortcode settings object via JavaScript by the way:

window.myAppWpData['form'] // if you set form as shortcode param

Then you could set this options as props param for your react WP_App component.

And then you could render your WP_APP content conditionally to its shortcode param:

Main render:

render(    <WP_App shortcodeSettings={window.myAppWpData} />,    document.getElementById('app'));

and how can I display a content according to this attribute in reactside?

You could use conditional logic according to shortcode atts values.More details about conditional React logic you could find on official documenction page

WP_APP render:

you could use props.shortcodeSettings inside WP_APP render() function to build any logic your want to display your component.

render() {    return (       // you could use props.shortcodeSettings to build any logic       // ...your code    )}

If you want to have multiple shortcodes on the page.

You could consider to add uniqid( 'my-app' ) to script handle name

function my_app( $atts = array(), $content = null, $tag = 'my_app' ) {    $id = uniqid( 'my-app' );        add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function () use ( $atts, $id ) {        wp_enqueue_script( "my-app", plugins_url( 'build/index.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'wp-element' ), time(), true );        wp_localize_script(            "my-app",            "myAppWpData-$id",            $atts        );    } );    return sprintf( '<div id="app-%1" data-my-app="%1">Loading...</div>', $id );}

For this way - you could implement for your index.jsfile logic for multiple apps,

const shortcodesApps = document.querySelectorAll('[data-my-app]');shortcodesApps.forEach((node) => {    const nodeID = node.getAttribute('data-my-app');    const shortcodeSettings = window[`myAppWpData-${nodeID}`];    render(        <WP_App shortcodeSettings={shortcodeSettings} />,        node    );})