social content locker for blogs? is it possible social content locker for blogs? is it possible wordpress wordpress

social content locker for blogs? is it possible

I found this working script for this what you need to do is first backup you template.
then edit HTML >search <head> tag and put this code after <head>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

After that search </head> tag and put below code before this tag

<link href='' rel='stylesheet'/><script src='' type='text/javascript'/><script type='text/javascript'>  //<![CDATA[jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {  $('#default-usage .to-lock').sociallocker({    buttons: {order:["facebook-like","twitter-tweet","google-plus"]},    twitter: {url:""},    facebook: {url:""},    google: {url:""},    text: {      header: "Like us To Unlock This Content",      message: "This content is locked. Like us on Twitter, Facebook or Google plus to unlock it."    },    locker: {close: false, timer: 0,},    theme: "secrets"  });});  //]]></script>

this is how to hide your code in post editor
go to post edit HTML and add this code

<article id="default-usage"><div class="to-lock" style="display:none;">Hello i am the hidden content</div></article>

I implemented this in my blog check demo