Split responsive menu into two coloumns Split responsive menu into two coloumns wordpress wordpress

Split responsive menu into two coloumns

Adds these lines to your code :

@media screen and (max-width: 400px){    #responsive-menu-container{        width:100%;    }    #responsive-menu {        display: flex;        flex-wrap: wrap;    }    #responsive-menu li{        width:50%;    }}

It works for me.

You'll want to use media queries, so something like this should do it for you:

<style>@media screen and (max-width: 400px) {     #responsive-menu-container li.responsive-menu-item {         width: 50%;         display: inline-block;     }}</style>

Note that you may need to play around with this CSS a little, since widths will vary based upon padding, margin and the display type. If you provide a sample of your CSS (or better yet a fiddle) I can help you more exactly.

The lines above make it look like this once the category button is clicked:enter image description here

If you'd prefer the thing go the whole width, include this in your @media option as well:

#responsive-menu-container {    width:100%;}