TwitterOAuth: Uncaught exception 'This feature is temporarily unavailable' TwitterOAuth: Uncaught exception 'This feature is temporarily unavailable' wordpress wordpress

TwitterOAuth: Uncaught exception 'This feature is temporarily unavailable'

The exception is thrown when the oauth function check if the returned code is 200.I just encountered the same problem and now it works perfectly :Did you add a callback url on the settings of your app ? Twitter useS this setting > working with localhost : (then use geteven(OAUTH_CALLBACK) in your define OAUTH_CALLBACK) Then use verify_credentials :)

I had the same problem because the auth URL was not renewed, so every second time that I clicked on the auth URL the access token was invalid.

I added a function that renewing the auth URL on every click on connect with tweeter.

this solved the issue for me hope it will help others.

Just came across this as I was learning the API and making calls via Postman. It appears you can only make a single call to the access_token endpoint with a particular request token. If this call fails (or indeed succeeds), all subsequent calls will give you the "This feature is temporarily unavailable" error.

You will need to regenerate the access tokens via request_token and authorize / authenticate endpoints after the first call.