Unable to disable layer animation - Revolution Slider Unable to disable layer animation - Revolution Slider wordpress wordpress

Unable to disable layer animation - Revolution Slider

If your animation gets stuck, consider checking you animation settings. If you are using revolution slider, change the settings as below. It worked for me!

The slideshow was disappearing after a few seconds of the first slideshow.

first imagesecond  image

The next settings for me have worked:Go to "Edit slides":

  • General setting: Transitions: no transitions, Rotation: 0, Transition Duration: 0, Delay: empty.
  • Layers timing & sorting: Start: 0, End: 9000 - for all layers.
  • Layer animation -> Start transition: Start duration: 0, Split delay: 0 - for all layers.

If you need a specific layer(s) to be static through all slides then take a look at this documentation page and if you are using Revolution Slider below version 5.0 then take a look at this screenshot.

Here is my detailed answer for Revolution Slider ver 4.6.93 that I am using:

  1. On your Slider General Settings find an option "Enable Static Layers" and turn it on, then click Save Settings
  2. Click Edit Slides button
  3. At the bottom of the page you should now see "Edit Static/Global Layers" button. Click this button and create static elements there. They will be visible on all slides of your slider.

Hope it helps.