upload new image/thumb to an existing carousel gallery/slider on wordpress upload new image/thumb to an existing carousel gallery/slider on wordpress wordpress wordpress

upload new image/thumb to an existing carousel gallery/slider on wordpress

Rotating Images plugin by iThemes is ideal if you just want to rotate/slide images and have them each contain their own URL when clicked. It costs $25 for a for a 2 site license though, but there is a 35% discount code available: ELF2012 is the code. You can find it here: http://ithemes.com/purchase/rotating-images/ I use this plugin very frequently as it is easy to use and has good features. I would recommend this if you are willing to purchase it.

Nivo Slider is another great plugin; however I do not think it supports a unique URL beig applied to each image. For the single site WordPress version it costs $19.

TheThe Image Slider is a free one, but I'm not sure of its linking capabilities either, but it has mostly good reviews. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/thethe-image-slider/