Using amazon RDS with WordPress over SSL Using amazon RDS with WordPress over SSL wordpress wordpress

Using amazon RDS with WordPress over SSL

Had the same question. Thankfully some other folks had proposed a reasonable solution here: End-to-end, here's what I did to get SSL working:

1. Add the following to the wordpress wp-includes/wp-db.php file. (except the last 2 lines which are just for insertion point reference)

//ADDED per call set_ssl if mysql client flag set and settings availableif ( $client_flags & MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL ) {    $pack = array( $this->dbh );    $call_set = false;    foreach( array( 'MYSQL_SSL_KEY', 'MYSQL_SSL_CERT', 'MYSQL_SSL_CA',        'MYSQL_SSL_CAPATH', 'MYSQL_SSL_CIPHER' ) as $opt_key ) {        $pack[] = ( defined( $opt_key ) ) ? constant( $opt_key ) : null;        $call_set |= defined( $opt_key );    }    /* Now if anything was packed - unpack into the function.    * Note this doesn't check if paths exist, as per the PHP doc    * at "This    * function always returns TRUE value. If SSL setup is incorrect    * mysqli_real_connect() will return an error ..."    */    if ( $call_set ) { // SSL added here!        call_user_func_array( 'mysqli_ssl_set', $pack );    }}//END ADD - below is the point above which to insert thisif ( WP_DEBUG ) {    mysqli_real_connect( $this->dbh, $host, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpassword, null, $port, $socket, $client_flags );

2. Customize your wordpress wp-config.php file.

Add & customize the following lines in your wp-config.php file. You can test these from development/staging as well as production if you have multiple environments.

define('DB_HOST', '');define('MYSQL_CLIENT_FLAGS', MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL);//This activates SSL modedefine('MYSQL_SSL_CA', '/file/path/to/your/aws/rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem');

Note that there are 5 available MYSQL_SSL* settings you could use in your config, per code in #1 above. My RDS connection works via SSL with just the _CA option.

3. Sanity test that your connection is encrypted.

Add a quick test file to show whether the current Wordpress connection is using SSL or not. Create a sample file like this one called test.php, and put in your wordpress root or somewhere web accessible. Don't forget to remove this file when done testing.

<?phprequire( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-blog-header.php' ); //EDIT THIS PATH SO IT IS CORRECT FOR YOUR test.php file relative to the wp-blog-header.php fileglobal $wpdb;$row = $wpdb->get_row( "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_cipher'" );var_dump($row);/*If you are connected over SSL this should output something like:object(stdClass)#116 (2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(10) "Ssl_cipher" ["Value"]=> string(10) "AES256-SHA" }If you are NOT connected over SSL this should output something like:object(stdClass)#116 (2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(10) "Ssl_cipher" ["Value"]=> string(10) "" }*/?>

4. Deploy and test your connection

Deploy your changes & test.php file to your wordpress installation, and restart your web server as needed. I'm using apache, so I run

sudo apachectl restart

For anyone one is using Redhat 7 + Apache 2.4 + PHP 7.I was facing same issue, so added below two lines into the wp-config.php as mentioned above.

define('MYSQL_CLIENT_FLAGS', MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL | MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT ); // you need this for PHP 7define('MYSQL_SSL_CA', '/var/www/BaltimoreCyberTrustRoot.crt.pem');

However was still not able to connect to DB...

So called one guy and he asked me to disable the Selinux by running following command:

setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db 1

I said, dude, i already disabled SELinux why i need to run this again? He screamed to me: I DON'T KNOW, JUST RUN IT!

so i did and restarted the httpd, and it worked without changing wp-db.php... dont ask me why as i totally have no idea abpit the logic behind this neither.