Website hosted on Wordpress sending request to other servers remotely Website hosted on Wordpress sending request to other servers remotely wordpress wordpress

Website hosted on Wordpress sending request to other servers remotely

You can block external http requests check adding

define( 'WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL', true );

in wp-config.php

Since you have already found a bad curl call in your source, I strongly suggest you check the integrity of your Wordpress installation.

If you have WP CLI available you can do this with the command wp core verify-checksums.

If you don't have WP CLI available you can use this excellent solution by Jan Reilink (either directly or as a starting point for your own code).

Either way you'll get output that tells you whether or not additional files have been modified (you could then restore them from the same WP version source). This will not be a catch-all-method in regards to malware, but I think it can be helpful in your specific situation.

Given that the code that's causing these requests is not part of the Wordpress core the answer to your question is some of the general best security practices for Wordpress:

  • Keep Wordpress and plugins updated
  • Use strong passwords for users
  • Add a captcha and brute force protection to your login page if possible