What is the closest thing to WordPress in python instead of php? [closed] What is the closest thing to WordPress in python instead of php? [closed] wordpress wordpress

What is the closest thing to WordPress in python instead of php? [closed]

There is another project worth mentioning not on the Python wiki blog software page, mezzanine. Built on top of Django, it certainly angles to be an all encompassing blog solution, and even lets you import your old wordpress posts (if you wanted to migrate). Django is a great project in general, so it gives you a good base to do anything you want.

If you are just interested in throwing together a blog, or a site which will have similarly static content, you might want to check out hyde, which is a static site generator, similar to ruby's jekyll. It's a pretty neat approach.

I'm not sure what you are looking for, but here is a list of a bunch of blogging software written in python:


Django has many cms packages that could act as a Wordpress substitute. Based on the page listing cms packages, I tried out two: django-cms and mezzanine. These are both active projects and with many projects using them. So far I'm leaning toward mezzanine: its documentation is better and it is a little easier to set up.

For sure, though, you should check out this page of comparisons: it will probably be more up to date than the answers here on SO. But if all you have to go by is this page, I'd say go with mezzanine.