What's the use of wpml-config.xml if you have String Translation? What's the use of wpml-config.xml if you have String Translation? wordpress wordpress

What's the use of wpml-config.xml if you have String Translation?

Here is my little bit detailed information, let say you created custom plugin and make it compatible with wpml!, so you created po files inorder to translate labels and it is something like below and it will work accordingly,

<?php _e('Hi Fresher','your_text_domain');?> 

but if you tried the same thing as something like

<?php _e(get_option('testmyname','your_text_domain'));?> //testmyname contain Hi Fresher

Is work with normal translation? and you cannot make it wpml compatible. In order to overcome this problem wpml already provide xml file in order to fulfill translate ready.

In this case you can simply use it as and you have to enter few more information in wpml-config.xml file, is should be placed in root folder of anything (theme folder/plugin folder). create wpml-config.xml file and do this something

<wpml-config>    <admin-texts>        <key name="blogname" />    </admin-texts></wpml-config>

the above code is in wpml-config.xml file and it should be placed in root folder of your theme, i tried myself for testing purpose here is the result,

Screenshot is for before translation, after translation and french output

Before Translation and wpml-config.xml file listed in string translation of wpmlBefore Translation

After Translate your custom TextAfter Translation

Sample Output that i changed to french based on dropdownSample Output

Hope it helps :)
