Why isn't Vue reading my entire JSON object that I'm passing down through PHP as a prop? Why isn't Vue reading my entire JSON object that I'm passing down through PHP as a prop? wordpress wordpress

Why isn't Vue reading my entire JSON object that I'm passing down through PHP as a prop?

For anyone stumbling on this questions, an alternative approach to the accepted answer is to use the following to generate a string for use in a prop:

htmlentities(json_encode($data, JSON_HEX_QUOT), ENT_QUOTES);

if you wanted you could wrap this un a function like so:

function jsonToProp($data){    return htmlentities(json_encode($data, JSON_HEX_QUOT), ENT_QUOTES);}

stick that in you functions.php file. the call use it with your vue component:

$posts = ...generate an array of data you want to pass into your component<testposts :testprop="<?= jsonToProp($posts);?>"></testposts>

Note the colon : in front of the prop - you need this or vue will assume the content should be parsed as a string rather than as a data object.

Hope this helps!

I'm not sure if this is the official vue.js "way" but here's how I handle preloading data.

First just grab your result set, don't worry about any encoding/escaping yet:

$newsPostQuery = new WP_Query($args); $posts = $newsPostQuery->posts[0];

Now in javascript, create a global variable for this preloaded data. Sometimes I use an object so I can easily add more variables later if needed:

<script>var preloaded = {    'posts' : <?php echo json_encode($posts) ?>;}

This way you don't have to worry about escaping, there are no issues with quotes. The json_encode method is enough.

Now in your vue.js code, you can refer to preloaded.posts when you want to access this data, instead of trying to access via a prop.

Props are great for simple scalar values. But it gets messy fast with objects/json like this.