WooCommerce password strength Change to 6 Char WooCommerce password strength Change to 6 Char wordpress wordpress

WooCommerce password strength Change to 6 Char

I dont know why you removed

 add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_script_data', 'pwd_strength_meter_settings', 20, 2 );function pwd_strength_meter_settings( $params, $handle  ) {if( $handle === 'wc-password-strength-meter' ) {    $params = array_merge( $params, array(        'min_password_strength' => 2,        'i18n_password_error' => 'Do not you want to be protected? Make it stronger!',        'i18n_password_hint' => ' Please make your password <strong>at least 8 characters</strong> long , For more security use a mix of <strong>UPPER</strong> and <strong>lowercase</strong> letters, <strong>numbers</strong>, and <strong>symbols</strong>'    ) );}return $params;}

What I did was a workaround of this code above which completely removed the password check.

But also attaching a jquery and html password strength script (custom) so the frontend still see a password strength indicator but is turned down to 8 character.

This way you can still prevent users from entering 12 as password but also not do something crazy that will reach the wordpress standard of "safe".