Woocommerce REST API 404 error Woocommerce REST API 404 error wordpress wordpress

Woocommerce REST API 404 error

Try going, on the Admin Panel, to Settings -> Permalinks. On Default Settings radio group, select the "Post name" one. Save the changes.

Worked for me; hope for you too. :)

Source: this blog post.

EDIT: Website is not available, so I put its Wayback Machine URL.

I was having this same issue. I had forgotten to turn on the pretty perma links, but doing that didn't solve it for me.

I also had to update my apache virtual host file because the AllowOverride was defaulted to None.

<Directory /var/www/wordpress/>            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews            AllowOverride All            Order allow,deny            allow from all</Directory>

Once I updated this, and reloaded the Apache service, the API worked for me.

It was simply a matter of enabling URL rewriting in WordPress. Basically, go to Settings -> Permalinks and make sure the first rewriting option is set to Posts Name.