Woocommerce submit to payment gateway Woocommerce submit to payment gateway wordpress wordpress

Woocommerce submit to payment gateway

You can achieve it as illustrated and commented below by extending the WooCommerce WC_Payment_Gateway class with the following methods:

public function __construct() {    $this->id                   = 'my-payment-gateway';    $this->icon                 = plugins_url( '/path/to/image.extension', __FILE__ );    $this->has_fields           = true;    $this->method_title         = __( 'My Payment Gateway', 'txdomain' );    $this->method_description   = __( 'Add some descriptions here.', 'txdomain' );    $this->init_form_fields();    $this->init_settings();    $this->title                = $this->get_option( 'title' );    $this->description          = $this->get_option( 'description' );    add_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_payment_gateways_' . $this->id, array(        $this,        'process_admin_options'    ) );    // below is the hook you need for that purpose    add_action( 'woocommerce_receipt_' . $this->id, array(        $this,        'pay_for_order'    ) );}// here, your process payment method, returning the pay for order page// where you will can submit the form to your payment gateway providers' pagepublic function process_payment( $order_id ) {    $order = new WC_Order( $order_id );    return array(        'result' => 'success',        'redirect' => $order->get_checkout_payment_url( true )    );}// here, prepare your form and submit it to the required URLpublic function pay_for_order( $order_id ) {    $order = new WC_Order( $order_id );    echo '<p>' . __( 'Redirecting to payment provider.', 'txtdomain' ) . '</p>';    // add a note to show order has been placed and the user redirected    $order->add_order_note( __( 'Order placed and user redirected.', 'txtdomain' ) );    // update the status of the order should need be    $order->update_status( 'on-hold', __( 'Awaiting payment.', 'txtdomain' ) );    // remember to empty the cart of the user    WC()->cart->empty_cart();    // perform a click action on the submit button of the form you are going to return    wc_enqueue_js( 'jQuery( "#submit-form" ).click();' );    // return your form with the needed parameters    return '<form action="' . 'https://example.com' . '" method="post" target="_top">        <input type="hidden" name="merchant_key" value="">        <input type="hidden" name="success_url" value="">        <input type="hidden" name="cancelled_url" value="">        <input type="hidden" name="deferred_url" value="">        <input type="hidden" name="invoice_id" value="">        <input type="hidden" name="total" value="">        <div class="btn-submit-payment" style="display: none;">            <button type="submit" id="submit-form"></button>        </div>    </form>';}