WordPress 4.8 on Docker REST API Not Accessible WordPress 4.8 on Docker REST API Not Accessible wordpress wordpress

WordPress 4.8 on Docker REST API Not Accessible

As it turns out this has to do with the permalink setting for your site. The /wp-json/wp/v2 end point is available when you set your site is set up to use the custom permalink setting. If I use the /%post%/ permalink structure it works. There is an alternate route for sites that use other permalink structures:

On sites without pretty permalinks, the route is instead added to the URL as the rest_route parameter. For the above example, the full URL would then be http://example.com/?rest_route=/wp/v2/posts/123

Source: https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/extending-the-rest-api/routes-and-endpoints/

In fact the ?rest_route=/wp/v2/posts appears to always work, making it the more reliable option.

I run on Docker and faced the same problem the solution was : in the AdminPanal => Settings -> Permalinks -> change from 'default' to 'Post name'