Wordpress and wamp sending "Delivery status notification Failure" to my inbox every 7 minutes Wordpress and wamp sending "Delivery status notification Failure" to my inbox every 7 minutes wordpress wordpress

Wordpress and wamp sending "Delivery status notification Failure" to my inbox every 7 minutes

The same problem for me, but solved.

I found The line addressdecode=base64_decode("amFxcXNjaWdzQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ==") under /wp-content/themes/theretailer/inc/widgets/widget.php .

I think is a virus like "eval(base64_decode() virus" , that inject PHP code inside a php file.

Hey I had the same problem... I found the code in a plugin... very hard to find manually... but I used a little tool from http://findandreplace.sourceforge.net

I've downloaded my whole plugin diary and selected that in the programm... copy the addressdecode=base64_decode("amFxcXNjaWdzQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ==") in the box and "tada"

find it...

Not sure if it's a solution for this case, but in my localhost (running OSX MAMP) I kill WordPress mail functionality as follows:

  • Create the folder wp-content/mu-plugins/ if it doesn't exist. See Must_Use_Plugins

  • Create a PHP file in it: no-localhost-mails.php

  • Paste the following code

<?php/** * Plugin Name: No localhost emails * Description: Overwrites WP pluggable function wp_mail */if ( !function_exists( 'wp_mail' ) ) :    function wp_mail() {} // KILL EMAILS IN LOCALHOSTendif;

This won't prevent any plugin that's using PHP's mail() to send emails.