WordPress - can't get value from metabox in custom post type WordPress - can't get value from metabox in custom post type wordpress wordpress

WordPress - can't get value from metabox in custom post type

Ok, so I've fiddled a bit with your custom post type and it works for me.

I've created a page template to output all the posts from the poslovi-newsletter post type. The php part looks like this:

<?php$args = array(    'post_type' => 'poslovi-newsletter',    'posts_per_page'=>-1,);$posts = new WP_Query( $args );$out = '';if ($posts->have_posts()){    while ($posts->have_posts()){        $posts->the_post();        $meta = get_post_meta($post->ID);        $out.= '<div class="test">'.$meta['meta-textarea'][0].'</div>';    }}else{    echo '<p>' . __('No Posts Found.') . '</p>';}?><?php echo $out;?>

So your post meta value is in an array that has, among other things key with the name meta-textarea, and in that key the value is an array that has a single key with your desired value

Array (    [meta-textarea] => Array (                         [0] => Tessst                     ))

I've typed in 'Tessst' to check if it's working.

Hope this helps :)