WordPress Create Custom Capability WordPress Create Custom Capability wordpress wordpress

WordPress Create Custom Capability

You should first understand that Wordpress user roles are simple as set of capabilities. That being said, since you said you are creating a plugin, I like to think you are no stranger to code and hence not afraid to code your solution rather than using another plugin for this.

This code should help you create a new user role and add custom capability to it.

<?php// create a new user rolefunction wpeagles_example_role(){    add_role(        'example_role',        'example Role',        [            // list of capabilities for this role            'read'         => true,            'edit_posts'   => true,            'upload_files' => true,        ]    );}// add the example_roleadd_action('init', 'wpeagles_example_role');

To add a custom capability to this user role use the code below:

//adding custom capability<?phpfunction wpeagles_example_role_caps(){    // gets the example_role role object    $role = get_role('example_role');    // add a custom capability     // you can remove the 'edit_others-post' and add something else (your     own custom capability) which you can use in your code login along with the current_user_can( $capability ) hook.    $role->add_cap('edit_others_posts', true);}// add example_role capabilities, priority must be after the initial role     definitionadd_action('init', 'wpeagles_example_role_caps', 11);

Futher reference: https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/users/roles-and-capabilities/

You can create custom roles and capabilities by plugin. Two options available there by custom code or you can use existing plugin.

For Custom code:https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/35165/how-do-i-create-a-custom-role-capability

Using existing plugin: User Roles and Capabilities