Wordpress + Gravity Forms Ajax + Swup JS Wordpress + Gravity Forms Ajax + Swup JS wordpress wordpress

Wordpress + Gravity Forms Ajax + Swup JS

I know the date of the post is far, but this question just popped to me and in case you could not find the answer,

try using this code, this will watch any changes applies to the DOM of the body and will trigger whatever you want:

<script>    $(document).on('DOMSubtreeModified', 'body', function (el) {        console.log('body content changed');        // append you init code here    });</script>

Tell me if this is working or not.

Ended up using SwupFormsPlugin and Contact Form 7 with the following

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function (event) {  var domain = window.location.origin // HACK: makes link selector relative  var isMobile = window.innerWidth < 800  if (isMobile) {  } else {    var swup = new Swup({      plugins: [        new SwupOverlayTheme({          color: '#eff6fb',          duration: 3000,          direction: 'to-bottom',        }),        new SwupBodyClassPlugin(),        new SwupFormsPlugin({ formSelector: 'form.wpcf7-form' }),        new SwupScrollPlugin({          doScrollingRightAway: false,          animateScroll: true,          scrollFriction: 0.3,          scrollAcceleration: 0.04,        }),      ],      FORM_SELECTOR: 'form.wpcf7-form',      LINK_SELECTOR: 'a[href*="'.concat(        domain,        '"]:not([data-no-swup]), a[href^="/"]:not([data-no-swup]), a[href^="#"]:not([data-no-swup]), a[xlink\\:href]'      ),    })    swup()  }})function domReady (callback) {  document.readyState === 'interactive' || document.readyState === 'complete'    ? callback()    : document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callback)}export { domReady }

Home it helps anyone