Wordpress how to override function get_order_report_data from wc_admin_report Wordpress how to override function get_order_report_data from wc_admin_report wordpress wordpress

Wordpress how to override function get_order_report_data from wc_admin_report

This question seems a bit muddled, but here is my best interpretation.

If you want to add a custom status to capture in the query write a filter function like this:

function woocommerce_reports_order_statuses_filter( $order_status ){    $order_status[] = 'custom_status';    return $order_status;}add_filter( 'woocommerce_reports_order_statuses', 'woocommerce_reports_order_statuses_filter' );

Later on in the function all the statuses in that array get 'wc-' appended to their values for the actual query string. So you'll need your status to have that prefix. Or... you can modify the querystring with a later filter:

function woocommerce_reports_get_order_report_query_filter( $query ){    $custom_status = 'custom_status';    $query['where'] = substr_replace( $query['where'], $custom_status , strpos( $query['where'], 'wc-' . $custom_status), strlen('wc-' . $custom_status)  );    return $query;}add_filter( 'woocommerce_reports_get_order_report_query', 'woocommerce_reports_get_order_report_query_filter' );

All this filter code gets added to your theme functions.php or custom plugin code.

Filters are applied here, which will allow you to alter term.slug however you'd like.

In a custom plugin (or functions.php of your theme), add a filter:

function override_order_report_data_terms($slug_array) {    return array('custom_status');}add_filter('woocommerce_reports_order_statuses', 'override_order_report_data_terms');

Read more about add_filter() in the Codex.