Wordpress - How to update user password using REST API Wordpress - How to update user password using REST API wordpress wordpress

Wordpress - How to update user password using REST API

Create your custom api




user_id:10password:123456  //current password new_password:123456

Create folder api in root and create file change_password.php


<?phpinclude '../wp-load.php';$user_id = $_REQUEST['user_id'];$user = get_user_by( 'id', $user_id );$password = $_REQUEST['password'];$new_password = $_REQUEST['new_password'];if(empty($user_id)){    $json = array('code'=>'0','msg'=>'Please enter user id');    echo json_encode($json);    exit;    }if(empty($password)){    $json = array('code'=>'0','msg'=>'Please enter old password');    echo json_encode($json);    exit;    }if(empty($new_password)){    $json = array('code'=>'0','msg'=>'Please enter new password');    echo json_encode($json);    exit;    }$hash = $user->data->user_pass;$code = 500; $status = false;if (wp_check_password( $password, $hash ) ){    $msg = 'Password updated successfully';    $code = 200; $status = true;    wp_set_password($new_password , $user_id);}else{    $msg = 'Current password does not match.';}$json = array('code'=>$code,'status'=>$status,'msg'=>$msg);echo json_encode($json);exit;?>

its working 100% for me try it

I had a similar problem. If you have performed all the steps mentioned on the plugin's documentation page, then there might be a problem with the account you're using to get the token.

Below is a video I created which details the whole installation / setup process for the plugin. Try following the steps I outlined and test again.


Try to edit your .htaccess file by adding the following lines

RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1

and your wp-config.php by adding

define('JWT_AUTH_SECRET_KEY', 'your-top-secret-key');

do not forget to pass your JWT_token in header API call, like

*Authorization : 'Bearer ' + YOUR_JWT_TOKEN*