WordPress include SVG file error WordPress include SVG file error wordpress wordpress

WordPress include SVG file error

My hosting allowed <? and the include thougt it was a PHP file, not an XML file.

I had to run echo before the XML.

<?php echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>'; ?>

It makes WordPress not be able to read this image, it prevents a good image preview. Other clever solutions are still welcome...

You probably sorted this long ago but I've just had the problem and it's to do with apache's short_open_tag setting.

You can modify this on a per site basis by including the following in your .htaccess

 # .htaccess <IfModule mod_php5.c>   php_value short_open_tag 0 </IfModule>

Or you can fix for all sites by editing your php.ini file and finding the short open tag setting and setting it to off.

# php.inishort_open_tag: Off

It works for me - just remove xml header tag from your SVG file completely, as this is not needed by the browser. SVG optimization tools like the web-based SVGOMG tool do this automatically for you.