WordPress Menus "Manage Locations" tab is missing WordPress Menus "Manage Locations" tab is missing wordpress wordpress

WordPress Menus "Manage Locations" tab is missing

It turns out some themes does not have menu locations and you need to add theme manually through your theme's functions.php. Anyhow, here's what I did:

add_theme_support( 'menus' ); // <-- if you already see `menus` from your settings menu, you can ignore this line.function register_menus() {  register_nav_menus(    array(      'primary-menu' => _( 'Primary Menu' ) // add locations here.      'your-preferred-menu-location-id' => _( 'Title of your menu location' )    )  );}add_action( 'init', 'register_menus' ); // <-- of course without this, the function above will not execute.

If the code above does not work for you, try enable/disable plugins that might be causing the issue.

Hope this helps.