Wordpress nginx redirect loop Wordpress nginx redirect loop wordpress wordpress

Wordpress nginx redirect loop

Not the prettiest fix, but removing the redirect filter in your theme functions.php file worked for me.

remove_filter('template_redirect', 'redirect_canonical');

From the link provided in OP's answer:
Wordpress did infinite 301 redirect loop

Finally, found a solution:


Hope this will help others that have the same problem as I did.

Thanks everyone.

I had a similar problem using Nginx as a reverse proxy for Apache.

After a few hours I found out it was caused by the $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] being set to index.php by Nginx instead of the actual url and Wordpress was trying to remove index.php by redirecting to the url without index.php in wp-includes/canonical.php.

The solution for me is using something like this,


So adding the $request_uri fixed it.