Wordpress remove shortcode and save for use elsewhere Wordpress remove shortcode and save for use elsewhere wordpress wordpress

Wordpress remove shortcode and save for use elsewhere

Function to grab First Gallery shortcode from post content:

// Return first gallery shortcodefunction get_shortcode_gallery ( $post = 0 ) {    if ( $post = get_post($post) ) {        $post_gallery = get_post_gallery($post, false);        if ( ! empty($post_gallery) ) {            $shortcode = "[gallery";            foreach ( $post_gallery as $att => $val ) {                if ( $att !== 'src') {                    if ( $att === 'size') $val = "full";        // Set custom attribute value                    $shortcode .= " ". $att .'="'. $val .'"';   // Add attribute name and value ( attribute="value")                }            }            $shortcode .= "]";            return $shortcode;        }    }}// Example of how to use: echo do_shortcode( get_shortcode_gallery() );

Function to delete First gallery shortcode from Post content:

// Deletes first gallery shortcode and returns contentfunction  strip_shortcode_gallery( $content ) {    preg_match_all( '/'. get_shortcode_regex() .'/s', $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );    if ( ! empty( $matches ) ) {        foreach ( $matches as $shortcode ) {            if ( 'gallery' === $shortcode[2] ) {                $pos = strpos( $content, $shortcode[0] );                if ($pos !== false)                    return substr_replace( $content, '', $pos, strlen($shortcode[0]) );            }        }    }    return $content;}// Example of how to use:$content = strip_shortcode_gallery( get_the_content() );                                        // Delete first gallery shortcode from post content$content = str_replace( ']]>', ']]>', apply_filters( 'the_content', $content ) );            // Apply filter to achieve the same output that the_content() returnsecho $content;

just use the get_shortcode_regex():

<?php$pattern = get_shortcode_regex();preg_match_all('/'.$pattern.'/s', $post->post_content, $shortcodes);?>

that will return an array of all the shortcodes in your content, which you can then output wherever you feel, like so:

<?phpecho do_shortcode($shortcodes[0][1]);?>

similarly, you could use the array entries to check for shortcodes in your content and remove them with str_replace():

<?php$content = $post->post_content;$content = str_replace($shortcodes[0][1],'',$content);?>

Something like $gallery = do_shortcode('[gallery]'); might work.