Wordpress throws an error when loading http_headers_1.js Wordpress throws an error when loading http_headers_1.js wordpress wordpress

Wordpress throws an error when loading http_headers_1.js

It's Malware effect.Try to check the extentions installed in your browser.Ex. "HTTP Headers" had become malware recently.

Yes I also removed the chrome HTTP Headers extention and it went away. thank you

I experienced the same issue. The sponsored by popup occurred twice this morning, once on a Wordpress site (on my imac) and once on a basic HTML site (on my macbook pro). In both instances I was using the Chrome browser and both computers had the HTTP Headers extension installed.

I right-clicked on the popup and selected "Inspect element" which showed the javascript file for the popup: http://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/forton/http_headers_1.js

That confirmed it was coming from the HTTP Headers extension, so I disabled it by going to Chrome/Preferences. That resolved the issue.