Wordpress TinyMCE add a description to a popup form Wordpress TinyMCE add a description to a popup form wordpress wordpress

Wordpress TinyMCE add a description to a popup form

After your select list, you can add a container and put html in it.

editor.windowManager.open( {title: 'Container',body: [{    type: 'listbox',    name: 'style',    label: 'Style',    'values': [        {text: 'Clear', value: 'clear'},        {text: 'White', value: 'white'},                        {text: 'Colour 1', value: 'colour1'},        {text: 'Colour 2', value: 'colour2'},        {text: 'Colour 3', value: 'colour3'},    ]} /*add in the following with the comma */ ,{   type: 'container',    html: '<p>Enter your Text here</p>'    }],onsubmit: function( e ) {    editor.insertContent( '[container style="' + e.data.style + '"]<br /><br />[/container]');}