WordPress visual editor tinymce how to preserve custom attributes WordPress visual editor tinymce how to preserve custom attributes wordpress wordpress

WordPress visual editor tinymce how to preserve custom attributes

You need to add your custom attributes to valid_elements in the tinymce init

valid_elements: "@[id|class|title|style|data-initial|...]," + //Your attributes HERE!!!        "a[name|href|target|title]," +        "#p,-ol,-ul,-li,br,img[src],-sub,-sup,-b,-i," +        "-span,hr",

in order to keep them in the editor - otherwise the tinymce cleanup functionality will remove them (because they are not valid).

use extended_valid_elements to add your custom attribute to existing rule . using valid_elements will break current rule

this is my example

$args = array(    'textarea_rows' = > 15,    'teeny' = > true,    'quicktags' = > true,    'media_buttons' = > false,    'tinymce' = > array('extended_valid_elements' = > "@[data-initial]"));wp_editor(get_post_meta($post_id, 'spintaxed_cnt', 1), 'spinner-editor', $args);