WordPress + WooCommerce - disabling cart AJAX (fragments) in 3.4.0? WordPress + WooCommerce - disabling cart AJAX (fragments) in 3.4.0? wordpress wordpress

WordPress + WooCommerce - disabling cart AJAX (fragments) in 3.4.0?

Unfortunately your information is wrong:

  1. PerfMatters (Brian Jackson) took their code from our GPL plugin without credit, which was originally shared by Jeff Matson on his blog back in 2016 (credited in our readme).
  1. Disable Cart Fragments still works fine in WC 3.4+

If it's not working on your site, most likely your theme is to blame... confirm by activating a different theme and disabling all other plugins that may be enqueuing the cart, etc.

Update: since so many people are now referring to this thread, I'd like to once again confirm that Kinsta (web host) is now promoting the stolen code from LittleBizzy plugins, and have contacted me to state they have nothing to do with PerfMatters. When I asked them when they'd be removing all the links and promotional material on their website for PerfMatters, they went silent...

P.S. Thanks to WP Engine and WP Rocket for crediting us! :)