A better way of forcing data bound WPF ListBox to update? A better way of forcing data bound WPF ListBox to update? wpf wpf

A better way of forcing data bound WPF ListBox to update?

I have a Listbox bound to an object property which is of type List<MyCustomType>() and I verified that the following code updates the listbox when the List is updated.

void On_MyObjProperty_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e){   MyListBox.Items.Refresh();}

If you're still facing issues, scan the VS IDE output window (Ctrl+W, O) and see if you can spot any binding errors reported.

WPF binding a list / collection of items to a ListBox, but UI not refreshing after items updated, Solved.

I'm just stupid. While I'd read a lot about using ObservableCollection<> instead of List<>, I just continued to ignore this suggestion and went following other suggestions, to no avail. Got back to my books and reread. It's pretty well explained that ObservableCollection<> is a must use because List<> doesn't provide the INotifyCollectionChange interface needed for the ListBox to update its display when the items change in the collection.

This is the updated code:

private ObservableCollection<StringWrapper> m_AppLog;ObservableCollection<StringWrapper> Log { get { return m_AppLog; } }

Pretty simple, and doesn't require anything else (e.g. Refresh()). Because ObservableCollection takes care itself of triggering the change event, I was able to remove the unnecessary call:

// notify bound objectsOnPropertyChanged("Log");

ObservableCollection doesn't support an update by a thread which didn't create it. Because my list (a visual log to show the recent errors/info messages) can be updated from different threads, I add to adjust my code this way to ensure the update was done with the list's own dispatcher:

public void AddToLog(string message) {    if (Thread.CurrentThread != Dispatcher.Thread) {        // Need for invoke if called from a different thread        Dispatcher.Invoke(            DispatcherPriority.Normal, (ThreadStart)delegate() { AddToLog(message); });    }    else {        // add this line at the top of the log        m_AppLog.Insert(0, new StringWrapper(message));        // ...

Also note that ObservableCollection<> doesn't support RemoveRange() contrary to List<>. This is part of the possible adjustments required when switching from List to ObservableCollection.

I may be having a similar problem to what you are having, but I'm not sure.

I had an ObservableCollection<MyEntity> and a ListBox bound to it. But for some strange reason my ListBox was not being updated when I changed the properties of the MyEntity objects in the list.

After searching for a while I found the following page and I just had to let you know:


It is a very good description of what you have to do to get a ListBox to update when the list, or the objects within it, changes. Hoping you will benefit from this.