Best way to bind WPF properties to ApplicationSettings in C#? Best way to bind WPF properties to ApplicationSettings in C#? wpf wpf

Best way to bind WPF properties to ApplicationSettings in C#?

You can directly bind to the static object created by Visual Studio.

In your windows declaration add:


where UserSettings is the application namespace.

Then you can add a binding to the correct setting:

<TextBlock Height="{Binding Source={x:Static p:Settings.Default},            Path=Height, Mode=TwoWay}" ....... />

Now you can save the settings, per example when you close your application:

protected override void OnClosing(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e){    Properties.Settings.Default.Save();    base.OnClosing(e); }

In case you are a VB.Net developer attempting this, the answer is a smidge different.


Notice the .Properties isn't there.

In your binding it's MySettings.Default, instead of Settings.Default - since the app.config stores it differently.

<TextBlock Height={Binding Source={x:Static p:MySettings.Default}, Path=Height, ...

After a bit of pulling out my hair, I discovered this. Hope it helps

I like the accepted answer, I ran into a special case though. I had my text box set as "read only" so that I can change the value of it only in the code. I couldn't understand why the value wasn't propagated back to the Settings although I had the Mode as "TwoWay".

Then, I found this:

The default is Default, which returns the default UpdateSourceTrigger value of the target dependency property. However, the default value for most dependency properties is PropertyChanged, while the Text property has a default value of LostFocus.

Thus, if you have the text box with IsReadOnly="True" property, you have to add a UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged value to the Binding statement:

<TextBox Text={Binding Source={x:Static p:Settings.Default}, Path=myTextSetting, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged} ... />