Board game pawn movement algorithm Board game pawn movement algorithm wpf wpf

Board game pawn movement algorithm

Try creating a recursive method.

List<Spot> CheckMoves(Spot curSpot, int remainingMoves, List<Spot> moveHistory){    List<Spot> retMoves = new List<Spot>();    if( remainingMoves == 0 )    {        retMoves.Add(curSpot);        return retMoves;    }    else    {        moveHistory.Add(curSpot);        if( !moveHistory.Contains(Spot.North) )        {            retMoves.AddRange( CheckMoves( Spot.North, remainingMoves - 1, moveHistory );        }        /* Repeat for E, W, S */    }}

This will return a List (where spot is the class that represents a position on the board) that contains all potential final positions. Of course you'll need to be a bit more thorough in making sure the Spot.North is a valid spot, but this is a basic idea for you.

The method above won't allow the user to move into the same spot twice in a single move, but doesn't look for barricades or other obstructions. It also doesn't handle any spots which halt movement or have no possible movement in a particular direction.

It should, however, give you an idea of how it should go.

Something like this should do it,

It recusively enumerates each link and adds the Fields to a HashSet to prevent duplicates. The recursion stops when, the worp counts down to 0, the link is null or a barrier pawn is located.

public IList<Field> GetPossibleMoves(int worp){    var valid = new HashSet<Field>();    foreach (var f in GetPossibleMoves(current.LinkNorth, worp))    {        valid.Add(f);    }    foreach (var f in GetPossibleMoves(current.LinkEast, worp))    {        valid.Add(f);    }    foreach (var f in GetPossibleMoves(current.LinkSouth, worp))    {        valid.Add(f);    }    foreach (var f in GetPossibleMoves(current.LinkWest, worp))    {        valid.Add(f);    }    return valid.ToList();}private static IEnumerable<Field> GetPossibleMoves(Field current, int worp){    if (current == null)    {        yield break;    }    yield return current;    if (worp == 0 || current.BarricadePawn) // is that a bool?    {        yield break;    }     foreach (var f in GetPossibleMoves(current.LinkNorth, nextWorp))    {        yield return f;    }    foreach (var f in GetPossibleMoves(current.LinkEast, nextWorp))    {        yield return f;    }    foreach (var f in GetPossibleMoves(current.LinkSouth, nextWorp))    {        yield return f;    }    foreach (var f in GetPossibleMoves(current.LinkWest, nextWorp))    {        yield return f;    }}

It could be optimised by omitting the calculation of backward moves which would prevent a lot of Adds being discarded from the HashSet.