C++ backend with C# frontend? C++ backend with C# frontend? wpf wpf

C++ backend with C# frontend?

The simplest way to interop between a C/C++ DLL and a .NET Assembly is through p/invoke. On the C/C++ side, create a DLL as you would any other. On the C# side you create a p/invoke declaration. For example, say your DLL is mydll.dll and it exports a method void Foo():

[DllImport("mydll.dll")]extern static void Foo();

That's it. You simply call Foo like any other static class method. The hard part is getting data marshalled and that is a complicated subject. If you are writing the DLL you can probably go out of your way to make the export functions easily marshalled. For more on the topic of p/invoke marshalling see here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc164123.aspx.

You will take a performance hit when using p/invoke. Every time a managed application makes an unmanaged method call, it takes a hit crossing the managed/unmanaged boundary and then back again. When you marshal data, a lot of copying goes on. The copying can be reduced if necessary by using 'unsafe' C# code (using pointers to access unmanaged memory directly).

What you should be aware of is that all .NET applications are chock full of p/invoke calls. No .NET application can avoid making Operating System calls and every OS call has to cross into the unmanaged world of the OS. WinForms and even WPF GUI applications make that journey many hundreds, even thousands of times a second.

If it were my task, I would first do it 100% in C#. I would then profile it and tweak performance as necessary.

If speed is your priority, C++ might be the better choice. Try to make some estimations about how hard the calculation really is (1000 messages can be trivial to handle in C# if the calculation per message is easy, and they can be too hard for even the best optimized program). C++ might have some more advantages (regarding performance) over C# if your algorithms are complex, involving different classes, etc.

You might want to take a look at this question for a performance comparison.

Separating back-end and front-end is a good idea. Whether you get a performance penalty from having one in C++ and the other in C# depends on how much data conversion is actually necessary.

I don't think programming the GUI is a pain in general. MFC might be painful, Qt is not (IMHO).

Maybe this gives you some points to start with!

Another possible way to go: sounds like this task is a prime target for parallelization. Build your app in such a way that it can split its workload on several CPU cores or even different machines. Then you can solve your performance problems (if there will be any) by throwing hardware at them.