Calling async method to load data in constructor of viewmodel has a warning Calling async method to load data in constructor of viewmodel has a warning wpf wpf

Calling async method to load data in constructor of viewmodel has a warning

There are a couple of patterns which can be applied, all mentioned in the post by Stephan Cleary.

However, let me propose something a bit different:

Since you are in a WPF application, i would use the FrameworkElement.Loaded event and bind it to a ICommand inside you ViewModel. The bounded command would be an Awaitable DelegateCommand which can be awaited. I'll also take advantage of System.Windows.Interactivity.InvokeCommandAction

View XAML:

<Grid> <interactivity:Interaction.Triggers>     <interactivity:EventTrigger EventName="Loaded">         <interactivity:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding MyCommand}"/>     </interactivity:EventTrigger> </interactivity:Interaction.Triggers></Grid>


public class ViewModel{    public ICommand MyCommand { get; set; }    public ViewModel()    {        MyCommand = new AwaitableDelegateCommand(LoadDataAsync);    }    public async Task LoadDataAsync()    {        //await the loading of the listview here    }}

Personally I would delegate the loading of the data to a method e.g. Task LoadDataAsync(...) ...however if you assign the result of the async method to a field then the warning should go away. If you are calling Wait() then it is questionable whether you should be calling an async method in the first place.

See for an asynchronous initialization pattern that may be of interest to you.