Can we concat two properties in data binding? Can we concat two properties in data binding? wpf wpf

Can we concat two properties in data binding?

If you want to show, say FirstName and LastName, in a single TextBlock, then you can do like this:

<TextBlock>     <Run Text="{Binding FirstName}" />     <Run Text="   " /> <!-- space -->     <Run Text="{Binding LastName}" /></TextBlock>

Now, the TextBlock's Text property will be "Sachin Tendulkar" and will be displayed if:

FirstName = SachinLastName  = Tendulkar

Hope that helps.

<TextBlock.Text>   <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} , {1}">     <Binding Path="data1" />     <Binding Path="data2" />    </MultiBinding></TextBlock.Text>

data1 and data2 are string properties which are binded.

Like alpha-mouse suggests MultiBinding won't work out of the box, but this guy has thrown something together that might help:

If that seems a bit rogue, then maybe try putting a combined value property on your object as a helper for the Binding mechanism, like:

public string FullName {   get { return this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName; }}