Can't clear ListBox selection using SelectedItem = null - MVVM Can't clear ListBox selection using SelectedItem = null - MVVM wpf wpf

Can't clear ListBox selection using SelectedItem = null - MVVM

Forget SelectedItem and SelectedIndex. The answer is SelectedValue, along with IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True".

<ListBox IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"          SelectedValue="{Binding SelectedSnapshotValue}" .../>

Then, when I call ResetSelection() in the view model, SelectedSnapshotValue is set to null,

void ResetSelection(){    SelectedSnapshotValue = null;}

which updates the binding in the data template, using the bound property:

    private SnapshotViewModel selectedSnapshotValue;    public SnapshotViewModel SelectedSnapshotValue    {        get { return selectedSnapshotValue; }        set        {            if (selectedSnapshotValue != value)            {                selectedSnapshotValue = value;                RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedSnapshotValue");            }        }    }

This is the only way I was able to get my listbox to reset the selection.