Can't load project after pulling: "Expected 'ENCODING' but found 'utf-8'." Can't load project after pulling: "Expected 'ENCODING' but found 'utf-8'." wpf wpf

Can't load project after pulling: "Expected 'ENCODING' but found 'utf-8'."

It appears there were some unclosed tags in my .csproject file.

Strangely though, the error above was reported instead.

Look at your .csproj extension file search for: <<<<<< or ====== or >>>>>>>> and remove it.

also check your web.config file for those symbols and remove them too if they exist there.

I had the same issue, I was just missing a closing tag. < try this

edit - Try to open your .csproj in an editor and look for the missing tags. You can do this via Visual Studio if you unload your project then edit your project.