Combining ItemsControl with draggable items - Element.parent always null Combining ItemsControl with draggable items - Element.parent always null wpf wpf

Combining ItemsControl with draggable items - Element.parent always null

Since the items are not directly inside the canvas, you need to walk up the visual tree until you find the canvas. I usually use the following extension method to do that:

public static T FindAncestor<T>(this DependencyObject obj)    where T : DependencyObject{    DependencyObject tmp = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(obj);    while(tmp != null && !(tmp is T))    {        tmp = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(tmp);    }    return tmp as T;}

Put the method above in a static class, and import the namespace where it is declared. In the DraggableExtender code, just replace this line:

Canvas canvas = element.Parent as Canvas;

With this one:

Canvas canvas = element.FindAncestor<Canvas>();