Combining multiple paths with different fills while still able to stretch uniformly Combining multiple paths with different fills while still able to stretch uniformly wpf wpf

Combining multiple paths with different fills while still able to stretch uniformly

Group your 4 Paths into a Grid then put that Grid into a Viewbox that should scale the way you want.

<Viewbox Stretch="Fill" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="125.96" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="127">        <Grid>            <Path Fill="#ff221e1f" Data="F1 M 65.778,45.310 L 85.092,45.310 L 85.092,47.630 L 68.504,47.630 L 68.504,63.174 L 83.700,63.174 L 83.700,65.494 L 68.504,65.494 L 68.504,84.402 L 65.778,84.402 L 65.778,45.310 Z"/>            <Path Fill="#ff221e1f" Data="F1 M 95.300,64.218 L 101.505,64.218 C 107.538,64.218 111.482,60.854 111.482,55.692 C 111.482,49.718 107.074,47.282 100.926,47.282 C 98.257,47.282 96.286,47.572 95.300,47.804 L 95.300,64.218 Z M 92.574,45.832 C 94.952,45.310 98.316,45.020 100.984,45.020 C 106.087,45.020 109.278,46.122 111.540,48.268 C 113.222,49.892 114.266,52.502 114.266,55.228 C 114.266,60.506 111.133,63.870 106.610,65.436 L 106.610,65.552 C 109.742,66.538 111.713,69.496 112.642,73.846 C 113.976,79.936 114.730,82.836 115.542,84.402 L 112.642,84.402 C 112.062,83.242 111.192,79.820 110.148,74.890 C 108.988,69.264 106.551,66.712 101.390,66.480 L 95.300,66.480 L 95.300,84.402 L 92.574,84.402 L 92.574,45.832 Z"/>            <Path StrokeThickness="3.0" Stroke="#ff221e1f" StrokeStartLineCap="Round" StrokeEndLineCap="Round" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Data="F1 M 179.125,90.312 C 179.125,139.362 139.362,179.125 90.312,179.125 C 41.263,179.125 1.500,139.362 1.500,90.312 C 1.500,41.263 41.263,1.500 90.312,1.500 C 139.362,1.500 179.125,41.263 179.125,90.312 Z"/>            <Path StrokeThickness="3.0" Stroke="#ff221e1f" StrokeStartLineCap="Round" StrokeEndLineCap="Round" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Data="F1 M 75.533,117.798 L 103.986,117.798"/>        </Grid>    </Viewbox>

You might want to size the Grid down closer to your paths' real size before putting it in a Viewbox.

Here's what I get in Blend