Design time check of markup extension arguments in WPF designer Design time check of markup extension arguments in WPF designer wpf wpf

Design time check of markup extension arguments in WPF designer

Update: added screenshots for VS2012 (works fine) and Blend for VS2012 (works partially: base styles on BasedOn-styles are not picked up correctly for some reason).

Also checked it in VS2013 Preview and Blend for VS2013 Preview - there it works partially and exactly the same as in Blend for VS2012. Hope they fix this in release.

Works in VS2012 as good as in VS2010

In Blend for VS2012 it works partionally

The thing is that Visual Studio designer very likes when object that you try to describe in XAML has public default constructor that it use to instanciate design-time instance of that object.

I've updated a bit your CombiStyleExtension.cs class to take this into account and Visual Studio 2010 designer like it now. However Blend 4 designer still don't, sorry.

Take a look:

using System;using System.Linq;using System.Windows;using System.Windows.Markup;namespace WpfApplication7{    [MarkupExtensionReturnType(typeof(Style))]    public class CombiStyleExtension : MarkupExtension    {        /// <summary>        /// Set space-separated style names i.e. "size16 grey verdana".        /// </summary>        public string Names { private get; set; }        public override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)        {            return Names.Split(new[] { ' ' })                        .Select(x => Application.Current.TryFindResource(x)                            as Style)                        .Aggregate(new Style(), RecursivelyMergeStyles);        }        private static Style RecursivelyMergeStyles(Style accumulator,                                                    Style next)        {            if(accumulator == null || next == null)                return accumulator;            if(next.BasedOn != null)                RecursivelyMergeStyles(accumulator, next.BasedOn);            MergeStyle(accumulator, next);            return accumulator;        }        private static void MergeStyle(Style targetStyle, Style sourceStyle)        {            if(targetStyle == null || sourceStyle == null)            {                return;            }            targetStyle.TargetType = sourceStyle.TargetType;            // Merge the Setters...            foreach(var setter in sourceStyle.Setters)                targetStyle.Setters.Add(setter);            // Merge the Triggers...            foreach(var trigger in sourceStyle.Triggers)                targetStyle.Triggers.Add(trigger);        }    }}

Usage of this markup extension changed also just a bit. How it was:

BasedOn="{WPF:CombiStyle bold italic }"

and how it now:

BasedOn="{WPF:CombiStyle Names='bold italic'}"

And just to save some time for you here is a bit of xaml to copy-paste-run-and-watch:


<Window x:Class="WpfApplication7.MainWindow"        xmlns=""        xmlns:x=""        xmlns:WPF="clr-namespace:WpfApplication7"        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="569">    <Window.Resources>        <!-- Did not managed to make the type-level style work -->        <!-- from app.xaml, so put it here. Just in case. -->        <Style TargetType="{x:Type Label}"                  BasedOn="{WPF:CombiStyle Names='size16 grey verdana'}" />    </Window.Resources>    <StackPanel>        <Label Content="Type-level: size16 + grey + verdana" />        <Label Content="'h1': size24 + royalBlue" Style="{DynamicResource h1}" />        <Label Content="'warning': size24 + yellow + bold + shadow"                   Style="{DynamicResource warning}" />        <Label Content="Inline: size12 + italic"                   Style="{WPF:CombiStyle Names='size12 italic'}" />        <Label Content="Inline: size16 + bold + italic + red"                   Style="{WPF:CombiStyle Names='size16 bold italic red'}" />        <Label Content="Inline: size24 + green"                   Style="{WPF:CombiStyle Names='size24 green'}" />    </StackPanel></Window>


<Application x:Class="WpfApplication7.App"             xmlns=""             xmlns:x=""             xmlns:WPF="clr-namespace:WpfApplication7"             StartupUri="MainWindow.xaml">    <Application.Resources>        <!-- Sizes -->        <Style x:Key="size12" TargetType="Label">            <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="12" />        </Style>        <Style x:Key="size16" TargetType="Label">            <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="16" />        </Style>        <Style x:Key="size24" TargetType="Label">            <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="24" />        </Style>        <!-- Bold/Italic -->            <Style x:Key="bold" TargetType="Label">            <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="ExtraBold" />        </Style>        <Style x:Key="italic" TargetType="Label">            <Setter Property="FontStyle" Value="Italic" />        </Style>        <!-- Colors -->         <Style x:Key="grey" TargetType="Label">            <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="#333333" />        </Style>        <Style x:Key="royalBlue" TargetType="Label">            <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="RoyalBlue" />        </Style>        <Style x:Key="green" TargetType="Label">            <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Green" />        </Style>        <Style x:Key="yellow" TargetType="Label">            <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Yellow" />        </Style>        <Style x:Key="red" TargetType="Label">            <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="#D00000" />        </Style>        <!-- Fonts -->          <Style x:Key="verdana" TargetType="Label">            <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Verdana" />        </Style>        <!-- Effects -->        <Style x:Key="shadow" TargetType="Label">            <Setter Property="Effect">                <Setter.Value>                    <DropShadowEffect ShadowDepth="0" />                </Setter.Value>            </Setter>        </Style>        <!-- Predefined Combinations -->        <Style x:Key="h1" TargetType="{x:Type Label}"               BasedOn="{WPF:CombiStyle Names='size24 royalBlue'}" />        <Style x:Key="warning" TargetType="{x:Type Label}"               BasedOn="{WPF:CombiStyle Names='size24 yellow bold shadow'}">            <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="1" />            <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Yellow" />        </Style>    </Application.Resources></Application>

Enjoy ;)

No Unfortunately, My understanding of the problem is this,

Design time resolution seems to work in WPF because of dependency properties. Since MarkupExtension is not derived from dependency object your extension is never evaluated at design time. As to weather this was an oversight or intentional is debatable.

There may be another way to solve this though which would be slightly different. Create a new attached property called MergeStyles. In that property you could specify the style names you wish to merge and apply. When the value is changed simply update the style of the attachee using your code above. You could use the position each style to be merged comes in to determine hierarchy.

It's not exactly what you want but it may get you half way there. The upshot to this is that you can bind to it though.